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English translation for "traffic light signal"


Related Translations:
trafficked:  行车的
traffic:  n.1.交通,(人、车、船、飞机的)来往;交通量;运输;运输量;运输业;旅客,货物。2.交易,贸易 (in); 交往;交流。3.电信(业务),通信量,通话量。短语和例子traffic in rice 大米交易。 ships of traffic 商船。 little traffic 交通[行人]稀少。 heavy traffic 交通[行人]拥挤。 the traffic
trafficking:  秘密贩卖走私贩卖
Example Sentences:
1.Lcq18 : arrangements for traffic light signals
2.Traffic light signals - meter reading and location
3.9 . traffic light signal for trams only
9 .电车专用交通灯
4.Feasibility of using green traffic light signal countdown timers in hong kong
5.Traffic light signal
6.We do not have statistics on complaints about rapid change of traffic light signals
7.For the meaning of traffic light signals and advice on what to do see pages
8.For the meaning of traffic light signals . image : 78e . gif manually operated stop go signs may be used for control of one - lane - two - way traffic
Image : 78e . gif有时候,人手操作的停去字标志,可用以控制单双程的来往车辆。
9.Of the total number of complaints lodged by users of pedestrian crossings about the rapid change of traffic light signals in the past three years ; and
10.We do not have statistics on cases where pedestrians were knocked down by vehicles due to failure to cross the road before the traffic light signals changed
Similar Words:
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